PFC's How To Series: Managed Grazing Systems

Welcome to our 5 Part Video series covering everything from benefits of implementing a grazing system, how to design one, guide to using electric fencing, powering your fence and watering.

Firstly, What do we mean by “Managed Grazing Systems”?

This umbrella term covers lots of grazing techniques including; Mob, Rotational, Paddock, Cell, Holistic, Techno etc. These techniques are based on the same key principles:

1. Move animals regularly to avoid overgrazing. 2. Provide plants with suitable rest period between grazing events to replenish root reserves. It is the combination of these two principles with leads increase productivity within a managed grazing system.

Part 1: Benefits

In this video we explain the benefits of managed grazing compared with traditional continuous grazing (set stocking).

We also explore the production potential of managed grazing systems comparing set stocking tor 7 day, 3 day and 1day moves, looking at the total DM that can be utilised and how much money can be saved per Hectare.


Part 2: Design

Grazing management shouldn't be hard work! A well designed system will enable the animals to move easily to new pasture with very low inputs of labour. This allows all the benefits to be realised, costs reduced and animal performance increased.

In this video we cover the: number of paddocks, size of paddocks, number of days grazing, examples of design and options for the layout of your fields.


Part 3: Electric Fencing

The who, what, why and how of all things electric fencing. Now you know your system design choose the equipment to implement it.

Starting off the with Pros, Cons and Costs of Electric fencing, this video included all aspects of permanent electric fencing options, temporary electric fences, and the fencing tools.

Lots of handy fencing tips are included in the video too!

Part 4: Energisers & Earthing

A suitable energiser and earthing system are a key part to a successful electric fence!

In this video we cover how to calculate the correct size energiser, using main, battery and solar energiser, earthing system principles and design.


Part 5: Water Systems

Getting water to your paddocks is an essential component to efficient managed grazing systems.

This video covers how to calculate your water demands, options for water supply, pipes, troughs and hydrants and water system design!


PFC’s How To: Train Sheep & Cattle with Electric Fencing